On our site, we offer you the products of the brand Atomy. Note that you can also purchase Atomy products directly on the brand’s online store and benefit a reduced price with your Atomy’s account. Please note that your membership is free and you have no obligation to buy or do anything after becoming a Atomy’s member.

If you are not satisfied with the products, simply let your membership expire or contact the official branch to cancel it for you.

Benefits of Atomy membership

By creating your Atomy’s account, you benefit several advantages:

  • Reduced price for members only
  • Savings on high quality products
  • Money back guarantee within 30 days of purchase
  • Your membership number is valid worldwide
  • Loyalty points that can be converted into commission and revenus
  • Passing on your account from one generation to the next

Would you like to create your account? go to atomy.com and click on the country of your residence to register. Contact us to obtain a login/password and a sponsorship ID before registering.

Any questions? Contact us through contact mail box or on messenger atomy-france/juneh

Want to create your Atomy’s account ? conditions

The creation of an Atomy account is possible for all persons who meet the following conditions.

Please note that membership is only possible for one of the two spouses.

South Korea20 years old or more, Korean national identity card holders, foreigners living in Korea, foreigners living abroad.
USAHolders of an SSN (Social Security Number) 18 years of age or older
Japon20 years or older Japanese citizens (residents), foreigners living in Japan
Canada18 years of age or older Canadian citizens, Canadian permanent residents
Taiwan20 years of age or older, Taiwanese citizens, Foreigners living in Taiwan
Singapore18 years of age or older Singapore citizens, permanent residents of Singapore
Cambodia18 years or older, Cambodian citizens, foreigners living in Cambodia
Philippines18 years of age or older Filipino citizens, permanent residents of the Philippines, holders of a Special Retirement Resident Visa (SRRV)
Malaysia18 years of age or older Malaysian citizens, permanent residents in Malaysia
Mexico18 years of age or older CURP holders
ThailandeThai citizens 20 years of age or older
Australia/New Zealand18 years of age or older Australian / New Zealand citizens, permanent residents, holders of a work permit visa (including working vacation visa)
Indonesia18 years or older Indonesian citizens
Russia18 years or older Russian citizens (residents), citizens of Kazakhstan, citizens of Kyrgyzstan, foreigners living abroad (Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan)
ChinaConsumer member: 22 years or older Dealer member: Limited liability company, partnership, sole proprietorship or sole proprietorship legally registered in China
Colombia18 years of age or older Colombia ID card holders
IndiaIndian citizens (residents) aged 18 years or older, States of Maharashtra: 21 years or older. Required documents: Pan ID card for identification; Aadhaar, passport, voter’s card or driver’s license for proof of address.
Turquey20 years and older (Global Consumer Membership: Additional documentary evidence is required to upgrade to Distributor Membership after the opening of the Atomy Turkey branch).

Global membership

In order to broaden your shopping experience and provide better multilingual services, starting September 24, 2020, foreign consumer members living abroad will be able to register on the “Global Membership Registration” website.

  • Login to the universal membership registration website:

global.atomy.com > Atomy Hub > click on « join ».

Eligibility: 20 years or older

  • Eligibles regions :
    • Eurasia : Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgian, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turmenistan, Ukraine
    • Europe : United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Rumania, Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, Slovakia, Ireland, Lithuania, Croatia, Latvia, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Estonia, Cyprus, Malta, Norway, Sweitzerland
    • South America : Brazil, Peru, Guetemala, Chile, Argentina, Bolivia,
    • Asia : Bangladesh, Mongolia, Nepal
    • Africa : South africa
    • Latin America : El salvador, Dominicain republic, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Paraguay,
  • Benefits of Global Membership
Foreigners living abroad Consumer membersGlobal membership
Can only shop in the shopping mall of the branch you belong toCan shop in the shopping malls of all branches (except China)
Language(s) served by shopping malls onlyAvailable in 13 languages, including those provided on the global Atomy website (www.atomy.com)

However, the shipment is limited to the domestic transport of each branch and transport abroad is not covered.

Payment can only be made using the payment method currently available in each branch shopping center.

How do i register as global membership ?

  • Step 1 : Go to global.atomy.com >, click on « Atomy Hub » > then « Join »
  • Step 2 : Choose your country of resident
  • Step 3 : Choose if you have a sponsor
  • Step 4 : Accept « Instructions required prior to registration » and membership’s Agreement
  • Step 5 : Vérification
  • Step 6 : Fill in the registration details
  • Step 7 : Fill in the sponsor information
  • Step 8 : Global membership registration completed

Note :

Registration is only possible as a consumer member.

What is consumer membership? – Consumer members do not accumulate group and commission PV. At the official opening of the industry website in the future, consumer members who comply with the required procedures will be approved as corporate members.

At the official opening of the branch’s website, the country of membership will be automatically modified according to the member’s nationality.